Marita Mæland Skjæveland appointed new Director of Construction, Industry and Energy

Marita Mæland Skjæveland has been appointed new Department Director of Department for Construction, Industry and Energy, and formally takes up the position on March 17.

Mæland Skjæveland is an economist and has worked at the Norwegian Competition Authority since 2014. She has held the position of Deputy Director of the Department for Construction, Industry and Energy since 2019, and Interim Director of the same department since December of last year.

The hiring process has been thorough, with eleven applicants, many of whom were highly qualified.

– We are thrilled that Marita has accepted the position of Department Director. This is an important role in the Norwegian Competition Authority, says Interim Director General Gjermund Nese.

– I look forward to taking on the position of Department Director, and to leading the department onwards in these exciting times, says Marita Mæland Skjæveland.

Marita Skjæveland, nestleder i avdeling for bygg, industri og energi i Konkurransetilsynet.