Prohibition upheld: Norva24 Vest not allowed to aquire Vitek Miljø

The Competition Appeals Tribunal has upheld the decision of the Norwegian Competition Authority to prohibit Norva24 Vest’s acquisition of Vitek Miljø.

Norva24 Vest is part of a larger group with around 20 branches in Norway, mainly located in Eastern, Southern, and Western Norway. Vitek Miljø is located in Bergen.

The companies offer emptying and pressure washing services to various customer segments.

In September last year, the Norwegian Competition Authority prohibited Norva24 Vest’s acquisition of Vitek Miljø. Norva24 Vest appealed the decision to the Competition Appeals Tribunal, which has now upheld the Norwegian Competition Authority’s decision that Norva is not allowed to buy Vitek.

– We are pleased with the decision from the Competition Appeals Tribunal. Healthy competition in this market is important because it ensures lower prices and higher quality of emptying and pressure washing services for private, public, and business customers. The Tribunal’s decision confirms the Authority’s view that the acquisition would remove competitive pressure between two close competitors, says Chief Economist Hans-Petter H. Hanson.

Illustrasjonsfoto av en hånd med en oransje gummihanske som holder på en kraftig slange.