We have improved our whistleblower tool with a new functionality. You may now anonymously engage in an encrypted two-way dialogue with the Authority via our website.
On our dedicated whistleblower page on kt.no you may choose whether to communicate anonymously or to state your name and contact details. If you choose anonymity, you still have the possibility to have a two-way dialogue with an investigator from the Authority. Your anonymity is guaranteed as an external data processor is used as an intermediary.
– In 2019, the Authority received 434 tip-offs related to possible cartels or abuses of a dominant position. This is an increase of 41 percent from 2018 when we received 308 tip-offs. The whistleblower/tip-off function with an anonymous dialogue option makes it possible for us to consider the content of the tip-offs we receive in a more efficient manner, says Director of Investigations Kari Bjørkhaug.
Bjørkhaug stresses that the Authority in any case is obliged to keep the identity of whistleblowers confidential. The duty of secrecy also applies vis-à-vis the parties in cases the Authority investigates and their representatives.
– You may use the whistleblower page to report suspected cartel activity or suspected abuses of a dominant position. All tip-offs will be considered and handled confidentially by our investigators, and the Authority may make further inquiries, says Bjørkhaug.
To ensure your anonymity when reporting suspected activity to us, the Authority recommends the following:
- You should not use a PC/tablet or phone that belongs to your employer.
- You should not use a PC/tablet or phone that is connected to the company’s network.
- Go directly to the whistleblower page by copying or typing this URL-address into the browser: https://konkurransetilsynet.whistleblowernetwork.net/
Kari Bjørkhaug Trones
Contact information:
Kari Bjørkhaug, Director of Investigations
Press photo >>
Press phone: +47 47 66 77 77